About Us
Realistic Prosthetics
Realistic Prosthetics was formed over 25 years ago. Specialising in upper extremities, this experience has been used to create new and improved products for patients.
Many upper limb patients were very unhappy with the appearance of the limb covers then available. The source of this discontent stemmed from the lack of realism associated with the mass produced cosmetic gloves. The gloves looked flat, lifeless and plastic in appearance.

About Us
The quality and look of these cosmetic gloves had remained essentially unchanged for thirty years. We knew we could make significant improvements in both quality and appearance and with that aim in mind, Realistic Prosthetics was formed.
After many months of research and experimentation we produced a range of gloves, using special pigments and colours. This combination gives our cosmetic gloves a unique natural appearance, we call this unique finish RealSkin™.
Our gloves have full skin detail with authentic shading, veining and lifelike detailed nails as standard. To ensure a truly lifelike appearance, our skilled technicians complete the fine detail on every glove by hand.
We are market leaders in improving the quality of Cosmetic Gloves, our innovations have been copied but our RealSkin™ finish still remains the finest.